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intermediate mass中文是什么意思

用"intermediate mass"造句"intermediate mass"怎么读"intermediate mass" in a sentence


  • 中间块


  • Does a third class of black hole , intermediate mass black hole , exist
  • Theoretical modeling suggests that the star cluster mgg - 11 is the first intermediate mass black hole candidate of 1000 times the mass of the sun
    理论模型显示mgg - 11星团很可能是首个被发现的中型质量黑洞,它的质量是太阳的一千倍
  • Based on the revers kinetic intermediate energy heavy ion collision in which much more intermediate mass fragments are emitted towards forward angles , a sensitive observable on isospin effects in heavy ion collisions is investigated by means of using isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics ( iqmd )
  • The calculation results show that the correlation between the multiplicity of intermediate mass fragments n ( subscript imf ) and total number of charged particles n ( subscript c ) is a sensitive observable for probing the isospin - dependent in - medium nucleon - nucleon cross section , but the isospin effects of symmetric potential on n ( subscript imf ) is not obvious in the chosen energy region
用"intermediate mass"造句  


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